Employee On-boarding: How to Ensure Employee Success Right from the Start

Home BlogEmployee On-boarding: How to Ensure Employee Success Right from the Start

Onboarding is the process of employee orientation. Great employee onboarding is something more. To make sure your employees get the right start,  consider some tried and true employee onboarding practices to ensure your new hires’ career success from the start.
The beginning of a professional journey is a source of excitement and anxiety for the fresh hire. However, making a good impression on the very first day isn’t a concern limited to just the employee.  As much as the new candidate is responsible for starting a new job on the right foot, it’s essential for the employer to ensure that employee on-boarding is a smooth process, one that lays the foundations for a successful career, right from the get-go.
To make certain that your top recruit translates to a top employee, proving to be the valued asset to the organization that you expect him/her to be, avoid just throwing the candidate into the deep-end of organized chaos without a single life-line.
Instead, start your employee off with a plan in place that will give them the tools for success.

Before the Official First Day

Effective employee on-boarding begins well before the first day. From the time that a new employee is hired, they should be included and treated as a part of the team. By planning an extensive on-boarding program and keeping the new employee in the loop well before they’ve joined, the organization ensures that their transition into the new team will be more or less seamless.
This also gives the existing team the time needed to acclimatize to the new employee.

On the First Day

Have a well-devised plan for the employees first day instead of just plunking them at a new desk with a computer. Consider drawing up a detailed agenda for the first day, slowly making your way down a check-list as the day goes on.
For example, begin with a warm welcome, necessary introductions and a guided tour around the office space. Help them set up and settle down in the work space, and take the opportunity to explain the organizational values, goals, and missions to the employee in detail. Show them around the work space, ensure that they have access to the necessary equipment and give them the vital information for the office essentials such as parking, restrooms, lunch, tea, coffee etc.
Plan and assign some basic but meaningful work for the employee to get them started on their new job.

During the First Week

As the week progresses, ensure that the employee is aware of the necessary responsibilities and specifications pertaining to their job. Define expectations, schedule their check-ins and meetings as well as assigning a mentor that they can seek help from when needed. Have them communicate freely with their immediate managers and supervisors to establish a professional rapport.
Assign meaningful tasks for the employee to do and oversee them diligently to guide them through the process. Offer the support, motivation and feedback necessary for the employee to orient them with the organization.

Throughout the First Month

Throughout the first month, complete any of the other orientation processes that might remain for the new employee. Remain cautious of the new team dynamics and involve them into the necessary team practices to ensure smooth integration with the other members of the organization.
Take the opportunity to ensure that there is a good understanding between you and your latest recruit by providing valuable feedback and praise for their accomplishments as well as by actively addressing any concerns and issues as they arises. Remember, a smooth on-boarding leads to effective team integration of the new employee – it is what sets them up for success or failure within the organization.

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