Oddball Interview Questions Can Benefit Employers

Home BlogOddball Interview Questions Can Benefit Employers

Many online career sites talk about the benefits of business leaders using unconventional questions to narrow down their candidate searches. These questions require answers from job seekers that do not seem to directly relate to the position or company. Yet, they are critical to hiring managers, HR representatives, business owners and recruiters making the best decisions possible during the hiring process. Here some reasons why oddball interview questions can benefit employers.
Why are these types of questions so important?
Strange questions offer insight about hidden knowledge, skills, personality traits and behaviors that are not listed on a basic Canadian resume, such as how job seekers:

  • Approach challenges and obstacles
  • React to emergency situations
  • Work with and without deadlines
  • Solve basic math or spatial problems
  • Judge their own good and bad traits
  • Handle business decisions and sales goals

This information can help interviewers determine whether a candidate is a follower or a leader. The details they learn can also help them determine if a candidate might be a better fit in another open position or a planned future position.
These types of questions are well-thought-out and seek very specific results. Without a doubt, all business leaders should use one or more during interviews.
Glassdoor’s “Top 10 Oddball Interview Questions for 2015” reveals the top strange questions that well-known Canadian employers have asked job seekers. Glassdoor created this shortlist from tens of thousands of questions that were submitted to them over the years.
If you do not currently use strange questions during your interviews, check out “Top 10 Oddball Interview Questions for 2015 – Canada” for some ideas! Glassdoor also supplies links to additional company-specific questions.
They may sound strange at first, but you will quickly notice that each question can be related back to any business need or situation. Check them out today!

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