Career Library

Career Library

Specialized administrative occupations

This sub-major group comprises specialized administrative occupations, including administrative and regulatory occupations, as well as court reporters, transcriptionists, records management technicians and statistical officers.

1210 · Administrative and regulatory occupations
39 Jobs

This minor group comprises administrative and regulatory occupations, including executive assistants, human resources and recruitment officers, procurement and purchasing agents and officers, conference and event planners, and employment insurance and revenue officers. They are employed by governments, government agencies, corporations and associations; convention and conference centres and conference and event planning companies; and federal and provincial courts; or they may be self-employed.

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1211 · Court reporters, transcriptionists, records management technicians and statistical officers
2 Jobs

This minor group comprises court reporters, transcriptionists, including medical transcriptionists and those in related occupations; those in health information management occupations, records management technicians, and statistical officers and those in related research support occupations. They are employed by courts of law, provincial and federal legislative assemblies and committees; hospitals, medical clinics and doctors' offices; workplace health and safety boards, health record consulting firms and other health care establishments; and throughout the public and private sectors; or they may be self-employed.

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