North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 811
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining motor vehicles, machinery, equipment and other products. These establishments repair or perform general or routine maintenance on such products, to ensure they work efficiently.
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining motor vehicles, such as cars, trucks, vans and commercial trailers.
Learn More Browse 19 Jobs Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining electronic equipment and precision instruments.
Learn More Browse 3 Jobs Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining commercial and industrial machinery and equipment, except automotive and electronic.
Learn More Browse 5 Jobs Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining personal and household goods, such as home and garden equipment, appliances, furniture, footwear and leather goods, garments, watches, jewellery, musical instruments, bicycles and recreational boats.
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