Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (ICE) training is part of a students’ experiential learning component. ICE encourages students to apply key skills to a unique experience solving real-world, sector-relevant challenges, developed in consultation with employers/sector partners.
Explore different types of Construction jobs in Ontario. Learn about the work environment and job requirements from workers who love what they do. Job Talks introduces students, parents, teachers and counsellors to exciting careers in the skilled trades industry. Hear why they chose their career, how they entered into it, and discover a new world of meaningful work.
Watch interviews with Tradespeople to learn why this type of work interests them and their pathway to enter their field.
Will an apprentice be right for your business? The answers are right here, in our video series!
Employers, just like you, reveal how apprentices have made a profitable and productive impact on their business. View the following videos to find out more about the net benefit, profitability, tax credits and signing bonuses available to employers when hiring apprentices in their business. Your local Employment Ontario Service provider can help you get started at no cost.
For help with hiring an apprentice, contact your local Employment Ontario service provider.
The Government of Ontario has made a clear commitment to attract more people to the skilled trades and to encourage more employers to hire apprentices. The Workforce Planning Board of York Region was invited to undertake an In-Demand Skilled Trades Project to provide local insights on labour market conditions for skilled trades in York Region and to obtain employer perspectives on the operations of the apprenticeship system. This report provides a summary of what we learned and includes a review of labour market statistics related to apprentices and journey persons, feedback from employer interviews and focus groups, as well as additional insights we gained from our research project.
People with disabilities have skills, abilities and experience that can add value in your workplace. By expanding your search for talented employees and making your workplace accessible, you find the right person with the right skills for the job. This guide has been written specifically for small and medium sized businesses in York Region and the information is presented in a step-by-step process on how to advertise, interview, hire and integrate candidates from this diverse group of people.
There is a business case for employing people with disabilities. This report explores real life experiences of employers and their employees. You’ll be impressed with the ingenuity of their solutions, and learn how businesses are measuring the benefits of employing people with disabilities in Canada.
There is a business case for employing people with disabilities. This report explores real life experiences of employers and their employees. You’ll be impressed with the ingenuity of their solutions, and learn how businesses are measuring the benefits of employing people with disabilities in Canada.
Recruiters of today are very actively hiring skilled immigrants not just in Canada, but around the world. Touted as a very sound recruiting decision, numerous large corporations are giving internationally trained, highly skilled newcomers the chance to showcase the talent within our workforce.
Corporate institutions of all sizes, large and small, are giving immigrant skilled workers the opportunity to work in their organizations. The reasons why it’s considered a good recruiting strategy are innumerable and widespread.
Today’s workforce is no longer bound by physical boundaries and has become global, with workers and immigrants from various countries that bring international skills and experience. The globalize economy has created an opportunity for employers to utilize highly skilled newcomers to remain competitive, increase business opportunities both locally and internationally and succeed. Corporate organizations of all sizes are reaping the rewards of hiring from this highly educated and trained talent pool of workers.
A user-friendly guide of information, tips, and resources to support employers when hiring newcomers.
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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