Beyond Business Grants: 5 Ways to Cut Hiring Costs for Ontario Employers

Home BlogBeyond Business Grants: 5 Ways to Cut Hiring Costs for Ontario Employers

Looking to bring aboard new employees? Worried about the hiring cost? Available government financial incentives can help you grow and train your most valuable asset – your workforce.
Beyond Business Grants
There are wage and training subsidies out there for Ontario employers; it’s just a matter of identifying which ones are worth pursuing for your business and establishing next steps.
Some of the current available government financial incentives for Ontario employers include:
1. Employer Hiring Incentive Program
This hiring or training incentive is offered through your local Employment Ontario Service Provider to employers who are hiring new employees. This financial support is available to help to offset some of the costs of providing on-the-job training and work experience.

  • Financial incentive: Up to $6,000 per employee

2. Ontario Job Creation Partnerships
Hire an unemployed job seeker to gain new skills and work experience while working on a new business project that benefits the community and local economy. Your local Employment Ontario Service Provider can help you get started.

  • Financial incentive: The employee’s salary will be subsidized by EI benefits for up to 52 weeks.

3. Ontario Labour Market Partnerships
Is there a skills shortage in your industry? Employers can apply for funding to assist in developing and implementing strategies for dealing with labour force adjustments and meeting human resource requirements.

4. Ontario Exporters Fund
Hire an export manager to develop an international export plan for your existing business.
Financial Incentive: A matching contribution funding of up to $80,000 per year as a wage subsidy for a maximum of 2 years.
5. York Region Employer Services Program
This program offers Employers:
Job-ready employees who are pre-screened and matched to jobs at no cost
A financial incentive to offset training costs
Job-posting services through York Region Employment Resource Centres at no cost
Human resources supports for an employee’s first six months on the job
Customized training to meet workplace needs
Coverage of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) claims for the employee for six months.
Contact York Region Employer Services for support from an Employment Specialist – email:
Looking for help with next steps? Download our free, interactive guide for assistance with these 5 programs and many more wage and training subsidies available from the Canadian and Provincial governments.
Disclaimer: This article, eBook and the Employer Leadership Council are initiatives of The Workforce Planning Board of York Region & Bradford West Gwillimbury is a non-for-profit, community-based organization working to develop solutions to local labour market needs and issues.

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