Did you know that 52% of the working age population (25-64 years of age) of new permanent residents have a university degree – 36% hold a bachelors and 17% hold a masters or doctorate? Compared to the 37% of the general York Region population, this is a highly educated population of residents, many who held professional positions before immigrating to Canada.
Finding people with the right skills is a challenge in today’s changing labour market. To assist with this problem, Ontario Bridge Training programs help skilled newcomers (internationally educated professionals / IEPs) get their license or certificate in their profession or trade enabling them to find employment commensurate with their skills and experience in Ontario. Graduates from these programs have been trained and prepared to work in Canada and now they need to begin the networking process of making connections and gain a better understanding of the hiring process.
Our live event ‘Speed Mentoring with IEPs’ is a two hour event that will take place on Thursday, February 23rd from 6:30pm – 8:30pm at Seneca College Residence at Newnham Campus.
Employers, participate in this event to network and learn about Internationally Educated Professionals who have expertise in your industry sector.
Meet skilled IEPs from Financial Services, Human Resources, Information Technology, Property & Facilities Management and Skilled Trades.
Refreshments and complimentary parking!
Space limited – register here!
Please note: This is not a job fair! Your organization does not need to be in a hiring position to participate. It is an opportunity to give back to your industry and community by supporting this highly educated labour pool of workers through conversation and providing them with information about the job search process and current trends in your industry.
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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