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This minor group comprises writing, translating and related communications professionals, including editors; authors and writers; technical writers; journalists; and translators, terminologists and interpreters. They are employed by advertising, consulting, publishing and multimedia/new-media companies; magazines, journals, newspapers, radio and television networks and stations; sections within companies and government departments that produce publications such as newsletters, handbooks, manuals and Web sites; translation and interpretation agencies; and international organizations, schools, courts, and social service agencies; or they may be self-employed.
Editors review, evaluate and edit manuscripts, articles, news reports and other material for publication, broadcast or interactive media and coordinate the activities of writers, journalists and other staff. They are employed by publishing firms, magazines, journals, newspapers, radio and television networks and stations, and by companies and government departments that produce publications such as newsletters, handbooks, manuals and Web sites. Editors may also work on a freelance basis.
Authors and writers plan, research and write books, scripts, storyboards, plays, essays, speeches and other non-journalistic articles for publication or presentation. They are employed by advertising agencies, governments, large corporations, private consulting firms, publishing firms, multimedia/new-media companies and other establishments, or they may be self-employed.
Technical writers write manuals and specifications for publication or presentation. They are employed by governments, large corporations, private consulting firms, publishing firms, and other establishments, or they may be self-employed.
Journalists research, investigate, interpret and communicate news and public affairs through newspapers, television, radio and other media. They are employed by radio and television networks and stations, newspapers and magazines. Journalists may also work on a freelance basis.
Translators translate written material from one language to another. Interpreters translate oral communication from one language to another during speeches, meetings, conferences, debates and conversation, or in court or before administrative tribunals. Terminologists conduct research to itemize terms connected with a certain field, define them and find equivalents in another language. Sign language interpreters use sign language to translate spoken language and vice versa during meetings, conversations, television programs or in other instances. Translators, terminologists and interpreters are employed by government, private translation and interpretation agencies, in-house translation services, large private corporations, international organizations and the media, or they may be self-employed. Sign language interpreters work in schools and courts, and for social service agencies, interpretation services, government services and television stations, or they may be self-employed.
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