Your Company Culture + The Recruitment Process = Acquiring Top Talent

Home BlogYour Company Culture + The Recruitment Process = Acquiring Top Talent

Having the goal to attract top talent is pretty obvious. However, it isn’t always as easy to do as we wish it were. The truth is, the most sought after candidates have options and you want to be the most attractive one. Sure, you can offer more pay, less hours, etc., but have you considered how the culture of your company affects the recruitment process? Happy employees make the best employees. But it’s important to understand that a positive culture is key to not only a well run company, but also to hiring great employees. Communicating to possible employees about what it is like to actually work for your company is a critical piece in the recruitment process.

What is a company’s culture?

The culture of a company includes just about everything from working conditions to the physical space. The hours, the decision making approach, and the benefits package are all a part of the company’s culture.

How can I make my company a desirable place to work?

No one really wants to think of themselves a a little cog in a great big wheel. Making your company a great place to work involves valuing the employees and showing them how much you care.

Leaders looking to create a positive culture want their employees to be comfortable and well equipped, and address issues as they arise. In order to do this, they are open to regularly discussing the company’s culture with employees. Making the culture a priority enhances retention efforts, productivity, and recruiting efforts.

What do today’s employees want?

  • Competitive salaries and benefits
  • A laid-back dress code
  • Flexible hours
  • Work-from-home options
  • An innovation-friendly culture where employees are free to share ideas
  • A friendly environment

How can I incorporate company culture into the recruitment process?

Make current employees happy: Learn what culture issues are important and address them. A motivated employee will be your company’s best ambassador.
Be consistent: Develop language that portrays the environment of the workplace and consistently use it in recruitment initiatives and materials, as well as other places job seekers may visit.
Be visible: Find out what channels your candidates use in their job search. Provide resources and easily accessible information in these locations.
Be honest: Today’s candidates have a lot of “inside” information about companies and their cultures. If they ask you a question, being honest about the workplace culture will be much appreciated.
Be unique: What makes your company different from all the rest? What would make employees (and prospective employees) really sit up and take notice? Whether it’s interesting company events or a dedication to a non-profit cause, find out what matters to your employees that is consistent with your brand and find ways to express this in new and exciting ways.
Share employee stories: Storytelling can make the core of your brand more memorable. Research shows that an engaging story can increase empathy and trust, while it makes your company more personable. Encourage employees to create stories about working for your company that are dramatic, use emotional language, and are transparent. You aren’t trying to sell your company with a story, instead, you want to share the company’s mission and what the workplace culture is like. Video your employees’ stories and share them on social media sites, on your site, your blog, and other sites your candidates use.
Use social media: Share stories from your employees, employee generated content, videos and pictures of workspaces, and other media that offers a glimpse into your company culture. Job seekers want to know what to expect from your company and showing them will put you a step ahead of the top talents’ other options.
Creating a great place to work is a smart choice as you work to improve your recruitment process. By making your current employees happy and then sharing their stories, top hires are able to learn about what an amazing company they have the ability to work for.

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